Grease Trap Cleaning

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grease trap cleaning

At Waroona Septics, we understand the importance of efficient grease trap management for the smooth operation of your business. Whether you run a restaurant, a cafeteria, or any commercial kitchen, our expert grease trap services ensure that your facility remains clean, compliant, and free from unwanted odours and blockages.

Our scheduling system will guarantee your grease trap is serviced according to Water Corporation requirements.  After servicing, a clearance report will be submitted.  If the Water Corporation make contact with you about a clearance report, providing them with a copy of your paid invoice will suffice.

Contact us today to schedule your next cleaning and enjoy peace of mind knowing your grease traps are in expert hands.

How does a grease trap work?

Wastewater containing grease, oil, and food particles enters the grease trap through an inlet pipe.  Inside the grease trap, the wastewater slows down, allowing the grease and oil to rise to the surface due to their lower density compared to water.

Meanwhile, heavier solids settle at the bottom. The trap retains the FOG layer on the surface, while the cleaner water in the middle layer flows out through an outlet pipe to the sewer system. The solids that settle at the bottom need to be periodically removed.

The water that exits the grease trap is significantly free of grease and oil, reducing the risk of clogs and backups in the sewer lines.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the grease trap are essential to ensure its effectiveness. Over time, the accumulated grease and solids can fill the trap, reducing its efficiency. Therefore, it’s important to have the trap pumped out and cleaned by professionals at regular intervals to prevent overflow and maintain proper function.

choose waroona septics for your grease trap servicing

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